If You’re Free Tonight
…I’ve got this thing at Lolita (on the corner of Broome & Allen) from 6 to 9 p.m., where I’ll be hanging out with Phil Campbell (left), the author of Zioncheck for President. Folks from nearby indie bookstore Bluestockings will be on hand to sell Phil’s book, along with The Stewardess Is Flying the Plane!, and we’ll sign them for you gladly.
It’s a busy night, though: KGB’s monthly Novel Jews series pays tribute to Henry Roth, as Daphne Merkin and Steve Stern speak alongside Roth’s editor, Bob Weil. The Strand is hosting a conversation between literary cartoonists Seth and Adrian Tomine, and Amanda Stern’s Happy Ending will celebrate the publication of Andrew Blauner’s anthology Coach, with readings by Chip McGrath, Darin Strauss, and Thomas Beller, with special musical guest Lisa Loeb.
9 November 2005 | events |
From Beatrice to Broadway
Wednesday night, I got to see my friend N.M. Kelby, who you’ve met on this blog before, make her Broadway debut as her short story “Jubilation, Florida” was read at Symphony Space as part of the Selected Shorts series. On her own blog, she reveals her feelings on hearing Patricia Kalember bring her words to life…and on watching the audience respond.
The rest of the show was pretty cool, too. Eli Wallach read a Simenon story, and Paul Hecht did a great job with an Aimee Bender tale. Plus the crew of One Story, which originally published “Jubilation,” were handing out free copies in the back of the theater. Once people figured out that, yes, they were free, and they could take any or all of the six stories on hand, they really seemed to get into it.
4 November 2005 | events |