Read This: Abe’s Penny (Again)

Alina Simone rocking the strumstick

I first told you about Abe’s Penny, the literary journal that publishes poems as a sequence of postcards, back in 2009, and I’m happy to tell you co-founders Anna and Tess Knoebel are still going strong, and even having some fun experimenting with the form. Earlier this month, I went to their launch party for an issue featuring the lyrics and chords to an original song by Alina Simone, accompanied by Spencer Tunick photographs. Simone performed that song, “Lost,” along with two other songs from some of her other albums. I’d just started her collection of autobiographical essays, You Must Go and Win, which I’m really digging, and we got a chance to talk before the show, so next week I’ll be interviewing her for a big new project that I’ll be telling you about later this summer…

In the meantime, there’s already a new issue of Abe’s Penny coming, with poems by Dave Landsberger inspired by Cara Phillips’ photography. If you want, it’s easy to subscribe online and start getting a postcard-sized dose of literature every week.

13 June 2011 | read this |