Kiki Petrosino, “Love Poem”


Say want. Say dear.
Say A robin sat humming in the deep
. Here is union: two blue eggs
two lights & two hums. In the willow
which hums, say hum. Say willow
with your thin throat humming. Now, where
is willow? Where robin on the light support?
Two quick hums, two quick lights—yes
a braided nest for two, & a branch
for dear robin. Then, humming willow.
Then, egg & egg. Taking bright hold
of the branch. Willow of lungs

The first section of Fort Red Border, the debut collection from Kiki Petrosino, features a sequence of poems like “This Will Darken the Cabin” (Fence) in which Robert Redford appears as the poet’s beloved. “Love Song” comes from the second section of the book, which also includes “You Have Made a Career of Not Listening” (42Opus) and “Afro” (Verse Daily).

You could also read “Allegory” at Contrary Magazine, three other poems in Thermos, or another three in La Petite Zine.

20 April 2010 | poetry |