That’s Me in the Spotlight…

Next month, I’ll be appearing at Fall for the Book and James River Writers to speak about bookblogging on panels with Happy Booker, Reb Livingston, and Caroline Kettlewell. The Richmond Times-Dispatch generates a little advance buzz for the James River Writers festival by emailing me some questions, including one that allowed me to muse about the impact of blogs on newspaper book reviewing:

“Before blogs, if you hated your local paper’s book section, you might write the editor a letter, where your complaint was probably seen by one person, maybe two, and then disposed of. Now, the complaints—and the praise—are out there for the entire world to see. Every book review editor can, if they want to, find out what readers think not just of their performance, but that of every other major review department. How seriously they take that, though, remains to be seen.”

29 August 2005 | events |