Tess Uriza Holthe Makes a Short Story Connection
I’ve been noticing a slight increase in the number of linked short story collections lately, so when Tess Uriza Holthe‘s The Five Forty-Five to Cannes showed up among the new releases, I invited her to tell me about its origins. Her debut novel, When the Elephants Dance, was widely acclaimed and a #1 bestseller in her native San Francisco; it will also be the selection for nearby Mountain View’s second annual city-wide book club this November.
The Five-Forty-Five to Cannes wasn’t planned. I was working on my sophomore book and my mother in-law invited me on a three-week trip to Cannes and the Italian Riviera. The whole point was to take a break from the second book and though I was happy to do that, I couldn’t concede not to write at all. So I brought one notebook to log down our travels, the sights, the sounds, and the people, with the idea that perhaps in the future if I decided to set a story in France or Italy I would have a sense of the place.
For the plane ride over, I brought along three short story collections: Andrea Barrett’s Ship Fever, Carson McCuller’s The Ballad of the Sad Café and Other Storie, and The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway (the Finca Vigia edition). By the time we landed in Milano I was in a short story frame of mind.
I loved how a character in Ship Fever—I think it was the Carl Linnaeus character from “The Behavior of Hawkweeds”—showed up even for just a second in another short story, or maybe his name was simply mentioned, but to have him exist outside of his short story was a fascinating concept for me. I wanted to play with that concept, the idea of the character continuing on after their short story ends.
2 July 2007 | guest authors |
Robert Anthony Siegel’s Visual Muses
I went to see Robert Anthony Siegel read from his latest novel, All Will Be Revealed, about a month or so ago at a furniture gallery in SoHo, where he set up a slide projector and interspersed his excerpts with illustrated mini-lectures about some of the book’s themes. And that’s when I knew I wanted him to talk about his creative process for Beatrice. You can also read a new short story from Siegel this week on the Five Chapters website, which if you haven’t discovered it yet is pretty nifty.
My first novel, All the Money in the World, was set in the world of my youth: New York in the 1970s. For my second book, the novel that eventually became All Will Be Revealed, I wanted to go in the opposite direction and explore a world I didn’t know firsthand, a world I would have to make my own through an act of imagination. What I decided to do was go back in time to the close of the so-called Gilded Age, at the end of the nineteenth century. The period had always fascinated me because it seemed like the birthplace of our own strange contemporary scene: obsessed with celebrity and spectacle, in love with illusion, unsure where fantasy ends and reality begins.
In 1896, the year in which my protagonist, Augustus Auerbach, guides his wheelchair into the parlor of the spirit medium Verena Swann, lower Broadway was lined with “museums” in which one could view a whale kept in a tank of water (slowly starving to death—they didn’t know what to feed it), throw bits of meat to a supposedly man-eating plant, or play chess against an automaton (with a boy or a dwarf hidden inside). If you got tired of the life-size diorama of the battle of Gettysburg, you could step into a spirit photographer’s studio and get your picture taken with a dead relative: the ghost would appear, nearly transparent, in the background.
What I saw in all this was the first stirrings of our own “virtual” world, a world in which imitations of life—TV shows, movies, and images on the Internet—threaten to become more real to us than life itself. Going back to the Gilded Age thus offered me a chance to think about my own creeping sense of unreality, but with the perspective that a hundred years’ distance can provide.
4 June 2007 | guest authors |