Sarah Manguso Rebuilds Her Life, Scene by Scene
After two collections of poetry and a collection of short stories, Sarah Manguso has published a memoir, The Two Kinds of Decay, about dealing with chronic idiopathic demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, an autoimmune disorder that, when it suddenly struck her in college, had antibodies in her blood stream attacking her nervous system as if it were an infection. She has been in remission from the disease for several years, but had only recently begun to write about it. “I don’t really worry about it that actively now,” she says as we chat at Housing Works one recent afternoon, “and I had to get to a place where I didn’t worry about it before I could write about it with any objectivity.”
“It happened almost by surprise,” she continues, recalling the book’s origins. She wrote a small bit of prose about her past, then realized she would have to write another section to contextualize why she’d had a catheter in her heart, something she’d mentioned in the first scene. “Each piece demanded another piece,” she explains, “and soon I had twenty of them.” She kept writing, and when she felt like she had enough, she rearranged them into chronological order to give the work narrative shape.
She didn’t have an agent at the time, but a recommendation from a fellow writer took care of that, and soon they were showing the memoir around. “I tried not to use any euphemisms,” she says, “and that may have made it harder to publish.” Some editors rejected the book for being, as Manguso describes their reaction, “too explicity and too medically uncomfortable,” which is ironic given that it’s the near-poetic specificity of her short chapters that gives the memoir much of its power. (The book finally found a home at FSG with an editor who, Manguso smiles, is “clearly as uninterested in bullshit as I am.”)
8 September 2008 | interviews |
Joshua Henkin Goes All Out on the Book Blogs
Last year, when his debut novel, Matrimony, came out, Joshua Henkin contributed two guest essays to Beatrice, writing about staying with your characters over time and condensing a twenty-year story to 300 pages. Now that Matrimony is out in paperback, Henkin’s winding his way through the blogosphere again, with (among other efforts) a marathon session at The Elegant Variation (24 posts in one day!) and longer meditations on book groups and online book culture at Booksquare. Well worth a look.
5 September 2008 | uncategorized |