Don’t Forget, I Have That Other Blog
A few people have emailed me to ask if I had anything to say about the online debate concerning the University of Georgia Press’s decision to revoke the prize they awarded Brad Vice and his short story collection, The Bear Bryant Funeral Train, after it was discovered that Vice’s story “Tuscaloosa Nights” had significant unacknowledged borrowings from Carl Carmer’s Stars Fell on Alabama. I’ve actually written about it for Galleycat, the publishing news/gossip blog I co-write, but here’s a quick summary of my feelings on the matter: Vice should have known better, and it’s news now and worth reporting in that context, but from what I’ve read of his fiction, Vice is a talented writer who deserves the same sort of chance to put this mistake behind him that Doris Kearns Goodwin is currently getting from the press.
Here’s what else I’ve written about there lately:
- authors in the New York City Marathon
- incomplete legwork at NYTBR
- a swell book party for Matt Madden
- the Random House film deal
- …and plenty more every Monday-Friday.
7 November 2005 | uncategorized |