Buy My Friend’s Book!

philillo.jpgAs part of my ongoing effort to get you to read Phil Campbell’s Zioncheck for President, I hereby direct you to an excerpt published by his former employer, Seattle’s alternative alternative newspaper, The Stranger, about his involvement in Grant Cogswell’s campaign for a spot on the city council:

We tried to create an independent speaking tour for Grant. We didn’t have much success until Grant received permission from the owner of a popular outdoor theater to talk to his patrons for 10 or 15 minutes before The Wizard of Oz began. There would be several hundred people in attendance, more than all of the District Democratic meetings combined.

I didn’t drive Grant that night; I was too busy crunching some voter statistics we had just received. So Grant and Tara borrowed my car. Tara drove while Grant tried to think about what he would say to all of the families that he would be standing in front of.

They got to the theater with plenty of time before sundown, only to discover that the theater had moved the year before, and neither of them had any idea where it was now located.

Our volunteer coordinator called Grant’s cell phone, gave Grant the correct address, and urged him to hurry. The movie was going to start in five minutes, with or without him.

12 October 2005 | read this |