Alchemy of New Yorker Cartoons Revealed!

Emily Gordon: All you need to know about this astonishing revelation is here.

27 September 2005 | uncategorized |

Last Stand

Emily Gordon: I’ll probably post once or twice more before Ron returns. For now, here’s a funny exchange from David Remnick’s talk with John Updike on Saturday.

Remnick: What’s the biggest great [literary] event you’ve missed?

Updike: Tristram Shandy. I can’t seem to finish it. It’s so nitpicky! It’s one long quibble! And it’s funny, witty, avant-garde, unpredictable—everything I like. I’d like to finish it before I die. And maybe it’ll be the way I die. [The crowd roars.]

Remnick: I refuse to end this conversation on that statement!

27 September 2005 | events |

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