Tell Me Why You Like Roosevelt

One of these days, Lauren Baratz-Logsted is going to have to get a blog of her own, what with all the guest appearances she does at everybody else’s (not to mention the attention lavished on her by the Emerging Writers Network today). These days, she’s dropping in regularly at Michelle Richmond’s place; this time around, she’s looking at the books she’s liked recently, including Kermit Roosevelt’s In the Shadow of the Law, a book that’s been in a pile right next to my bookcase ever since Alan Dershowitz loved the book, but got a bug up his butt about its use of “SAT words”–then went on to suggest he was indirectly responsible for some of Roosevelt’s best bits. Well, with everything that keeps coming through here, I still haven’t managed to get around to actually reading the book yet, but Lauren’s tip certainly brings it back to the front of my mind…

17 August 2005 | uncategorized |