introducing readers to writers since 1995
- March 31, 2004 -
Not That We're Harping On This, But...
- March 31, 2004 -
American Translation: "Bill Buckner"
- March 31, 2004 -
Once This Is Done, Umberto Eco Has Something to Say
- March 31, 2004 -
Takahashi Takes Manhattan
- March 29, 2004 -
Take Me Out to the Ballgame
- March 29, 2004 -
Michael Viner Declares NYDN, AJ-C Fair Game
- March 27, 2004 -
This Is Exactly the Sort of Thing
That Better Not Happen on Tanenhaus' Watch
- March 27, 2004 -
A Continent Away, Jane Austen Doe Seethes With Jealousy
- March 26, 2004 -
I Know I Should Look for Literary Pullquotes...
- March 26, 2004 -
Questions of Journalistic Integrity Might Even Be Raised
- March 26, 2004 -
Discussion Periods Now Awkwardly Silent
- March 26, 2004 -
Literature in the Outer Boroughs
- March 26, 2004 -
Roger L. Simon: Mystery Writer, Blogger
- March 25, 2004 -
More Timesucks For Your Office Enjoyment
- March 25, 2004 -
Maslin Watch: Would You Buy
A Used Car From This Book Critic?
- March 25, 2004 -
Tanenhaus Scouts Browse Amazon As We Speak
- March 25, 2004 -
Science Fiction and Science Fact Applied to Cinema
- March 25, 2004 -
And At No Point Was an Equation Invoked
- March 24, 2004 -
Wallpapering My Master's House With Subpoenas
- March 24, 2004 -
We're Going to Graceland, Graceland...
- March 23, 2004 -
One Singular Sensation
- March 23, 2004 -
Maybe You're Midlist Because You're Mediocre?
I'm Just Thinking Aloud Here
- March 22, 2004 -
Maslin Watch: Talk About Your Coincidences
- March 22, 2004 -
At a Nickel a Day, Civil Disobedience Gets Costly...
- March 22, 2004 -
The Living End, Stanley Elkin
- March 21, 2004 -
21st Century Rubyfruit Jungle?
- March 21, 2004 -
Lawyers Lean on Blogger Over Gray Matter
- March 20, 2004 -
And the Book Club Organizers Are Off...
- March 19, 2004 -
Don't Mind Me, I'm Just Having a Fanboy Moment
- March 19, 2004 -
Answered Prayers, Indeed
- March 18, 2004 -
We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful
- March 18, 2004 -
We Haven't Seen Tanks Like This Since Dukakis '88
- March 18, 2004 -
Boston-Cambridge Axis Loses Two Indies
- March 17, 2004 -
Maslin Watch: How Much in Today's Dollars, Though?
- March 17, 2004 -
If Only It Were Hip, Like Williamsburg
- March 17, 2004 -
SoCal Stereotypes We Love and Cherish
- March 17, 2004 -
One Thing We Love About "the Blogosphere":
Intense Subject Matter Granulation
- March 17, 2004 -
Lambda Takes to the Slaughter Of Award Nominee
- March 17, 2004 -
"Real" Writers Attracted to Superheroes
- March 17, 2004 -
Another Venue in Which Colson Whitehead
Could Smack Down Richard Ford
- March 16, 2004 -
The Fast-Paced Life of the Litterateur
- March 16, 2004 -
Spike Lee Could, I Dunno,
Make a Movie About This, Huh?
- March 16, 2004 -
Will Furst Last?
- March 15, 2004 -
The New Romantics
- March 15, 2004 -
Literary Appreciation in Passing
- March 15, 2004 -
Yet Another Reason (or Two)
Why We Love The Black Table
- March 15, 2004 -
Maslin Watch: Nary an Orlando Joke to Be Found, Alas
- March 15, 2004 -
And Just Think What Might Have Happened
If He Hadn't Been Sober!
- March 15, 2004 -
New York Times Discovers J-Pop,
May Soon Realize Hong Kong Films Are Popular
- March 15, 2004 -
"Pulling a Philip Roth" Sounds A Bit Dirty, Actually
- March 14, 2004 -
Planting the Sci-Fi Flag on Mars
- March 13, 2004 -
Not Really A Jayson Blair Story, Honest
- March 13, 2004 -
Cue the Tom Lehrer Music...
- March 12, 2004 -
"Softly, A Legend Passes"...
- March 11, 2004 -
New Kids on the Blog
- March 11, 2004 -
Maslin Watch: At Least She Doesn't Call It Noir Again
- March 11, 2004 -
The Imaginary Class War Continues
- March 11, 2004 -
Putting a Name to the Images
- March 11, 2004 -
The Neurology of Writing
- March 10, 2004 -
Tonight on the Season Finale of Seem
- March 10, 2004 -
Tanenhaus Is in the House
- March 10, 2004 -
"It's not good Heinlein, but it is new Heinlein."
- March 10, 2004 -
Mastermind Unveils Its Schemes...
- March 10, 2004 -
Whirlwind Literary Evening
- March 09, 2004 -
Stunningly Original Criticisms of Science-Fiction
- March 09, 2004 -
Blair-ing Headlines
- March 08, 2004 -
Phillip Pullman Now Officially "Culture"
- March 08, 2004 -
Beatrice Flies Overnight From Chi-town to St. Pete's
- March 08, 2004 -
Another Rumor Put To Bed
- March 08, 2004 -
Maslin Watch: Oh Boy, Suburban Angst, That's New
- March 08, 2004 -
Five Star Final
- March 07, 2004 -
Remember the Chicago 8
(You Heard Me, Boomers, 8)
- March 07, 2004 -
Out of My League
- March 07, 2004 -
Knight Moves
- March 06, 2004 -
Three Cheers for the Avant-Garde
- March 06, 2004 -
An Emphasis On Nonfiction We Can Get Behind
- March 05, 2004 -
Proposing Emily Hall as Book Babe 2.0
- March 05, 2004 -
"I Can't Describe It" Is Not, Strictly Speaking, A Book Review
- March 05, 2004 -
And They're Both Journalists-Turned-Fiction-Writers!
- March 05, 2004 -
Maslin Watch: Rock'N'Roll Hoochie Koo
- March 05, 2004 -
Kit and Caboodle
- March 04, 2004 -
Super Powers
- March 04, 2004 -
What She Wrote...
- March 04, 2004 -
A Female Dwight Macdonald. That's All I Ask For.
- March 04, 2004 -
Recent Subway Reading
- March 04, 2004 -
Sadly, No Six Months In A Leaky Boat, Either
- March 04, 2004 -
Will the Last "Letter from America"
Please Bring Back the Flag?
- March 04, 2004 -
The Return of Kyle Clayton
- March 03, 2004 -
Sadly, the "Danish Scum!" Leitmotif Has Been Dropped
- March 02, 2004 -
Information Wants to Roam Free
- March 02, 2004 -
Twice Told Tales, Told Once More
- March 02, 2004 -
The Great Brain
- March 01, 2004 -
Beware What You Ask For
- March 01, 2004 -
And Don't Forget to Get Your War On
- March 01, 2004 -
The Queen of "Loser Lit"
- March 01, 2004 -
Maslin Watch: Flashy Grandmasters
- March 01, 2004 -
Same Shit, Different Day @ New Millennium