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September 27, 2007
Bookburger pick: Taking Things Seriously
by djWe know about hanging on to seemingly worthless junk. We've got geegaws, bric-a-brac, and all kinds of flotsam and jetsam clogging the shelves and closets of bookburger hq. We always thought we were just packrats. Joshua Glenn and Carol Hayes' lovely little book from Princeton Architectural Press helped us understand that, in fact, our inexplicable attachment to a dirty white plush duck and the rhinestone horseshoe ring given to us by a boy named Seth in eighth grade is just part of the “human drive and capacity to invest inanimate objects with meaning.” Our bits of useless junk are no different from the ones so gorgeously shot for this book, the treasured objects of writers, artists, and other deep types. Pick up a copy of Taking Things Seriously, place it on your shelf with your favorite geegaws, and you'll be armed with great arguments when your mom, significant other, or roommate tries to get you to "declutter."
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