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May 09, 2007

Stephenie Meyer's prom-otional genius

by dj

Hey, did you hear about burger interviewee Stephenie Meyer's prom? She had a formal evening for her fans. It was completely sold out, with tons of vampire-obsessed teenies turning up in tafetta  and tiaras to meet the author of bloody best-selling YA vampire novels Twilight and New Moon...

If you ask us, this was a pretty ingenious way to let the world know that Stephenie's got a new one coming in August, Eclipse. We'll try to get her back to the burger for a sit-down and a the meantime, here's a sneak peek at the cover...and we hear that if you go to a bookstore and pick up the new "special editions" of her last novel, New Moon, you'll find the first chapter of Eclipse...


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