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March 16, 2007
GHOST of a chance
by bookgasmAmong the content this week at was an interview with tie-in writer Greg Cox, he of the recent GHOST RIDER novelization. Part of the conversation went like this:
BOOKGASM: Novelizations are almost like their own genre. In your experience, who's reading them?
COX: I think the readers fall into two categories: the ones who can't wait for the movie to come out and need to know what the movie's about right now, and the ones who can't get enough of the movie and want to experience it in a different format. I've heard from one fan who has already read GHOST RIDER twice!
A possible third category might be people who were confused by the movie and are hoping to find some answers in the novelization. An editor I know likes to joke that the more incoherent the movie, the better the novelization sells. I'm not sure this has ever been proven scientifically.
You can read the rest, as well as a look at three nautical-themed pulp novels and a new DVD of H.P. Lovecraft-inspired short films, plus reviews of Matthew Klein's CON ED, Charlie Huston's NO DOMINION, Richard Laymon's THE BEAST HOUSE, Mel Odom's THE QUEST FOR THE TRILOGY, Marvel Comics' THE CHAMPIONS CLASSIC: VOL. 2, Jeff Mariotte's DC UNIVERSE: TRAIL OF TIME and Russell Andrews' HADES.
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