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July 27, 2005
A Night on the Town
by Ron HoganBack in May, I had a delightful interview over ice cream with Jill Kargman, the coauthor of Wolves in Chic Clothing, so when she invited me to a reading last night that the W Times Square was hosting as part of a recurring series of artist events, I was all set to come. (I mean, a book party at a W hotel? Twist my arm already!) Stephanie Lessing and I had been looking for another occasion to get together and chat about writing (since she was understandably distracted at her own party), so I told her to come on down, and she brought along her agent and publicist for good measure, so I had a nice little enclave of people to talk to before and after the actual reading.
But before I'd even snagged my first cocktail, I met up with Nadine Haobsh in the hotel lobby. She and I had swapped a few emails since my comments about her media flap, and I was really glad to meet her in person. As you can imagine, she's been insanely busy since being outed as "Jolie in NYC," but she seems to be handling it all very effectively, and I'm sure we're going to be hearing more from Nadine down the line (and despite my earlier cynicism, I hope she's able to turn this blog thing into a good platform in some alternate media outlet). It was actually kind of neat to stand around with an actual celebrity--she ran into someone from her PR firm at the party, and was explaining her story to his friend, when a woman standing next to us said, "Jolie in NYC!" Plus, I think I may be the first to report that she's with the William Morris Agency as of that afternoon. Take that, Page Six! (OK, so I only beat them by a few hours--but that still counts.)
NYPost photo: Robert Miller
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