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July 22, 2005
Another Night, Another Reading
by Ron HoganI'd been hearing a lot about Charlie Huston lately--first about his thrillers for Ballantine, Caught Stealing and Six Bad Things, and how much butt they're supposed to kick, and most recently that he'd added comic books to his repetoire, scripting Marvel's Moon Knight revival. So when I heard Huston would be reading at Coliseum Books last night, I decided to drop by... and let me tell you, the guy knows how to open a story. I'm digging through my to-read stacks for the copies I know I have as soon as I'm done with this post.
Also in the audience: Charles Ardai of Hard Case Crime and mystery doyenne Sarah Weinman, who I believe was headed uptown as soon as she'd had a chance to talk with Huston to catch up with Peter Spiegelman, who was reading from Death's Little Helpers at Black Orchid.
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