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July 05, 2005
5 Questions Means 5 Books to Give Away!
by Ron HoganLast Friday, on my way out the door, I added an interview with Tim Gallagher, the ornithologist who confirmed the survival of the ivory-billed woodpecker, to the "5 Questions With..." section. I didn't mention it then because I knew you were all eager to start your weekends, but there's a special element to this piece I think you'll like: The questions were supplied by five other birding authors.
In recognition of this special 5Q event, and thanks to the generosity of Houghton Mifflin, I will be able to send copies of The Grail Bird to the first five people who contribute $20 or more to the Beatrice improvement fund. If you want to learn more about the book, I heard Gallagher speak recently, and though Alan Burdick showed little enthusiasm in last weekend's NYTBR, David Allen Sibley "couldn't wait" to read it, while Judith Toups calls it "a lesson for our times."
(And remember: If you don't want to use the PayPal button, you can always email me about sending a check...)
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