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February 28, 2005
More Author Blogs to Watch Out For
by Ron HoganYou know, I'm pretty sure Jerry Brown wrote a book at some point in his political career, and if he didn't, he should have. He's on Typepad now and, well, let's put it this way--can you think of any other mayor in any other major American city who would give his constituents a heads-up on a City Hall protest in case they want to attend...even when he doesn't fully agree with the protestors?
Meanwhile, a few new author blogs have sprung up. Alison Pace is using a blog on her official site to promote her first novel, If Andy Warhol Had a Girlfriend; she gives one of her first interviews to Booklust. Fellow New Yorker Abha Dawesar is offering reflections on a wide array of topics, including filmmaking, as her second novel, Babyji, arrives in bookstores.
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