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February 04, 2005
If a Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words,
Maybe I've Just Met My Daily Word Count
by Ron Hogan
Because I've got to get the paying gigs out the door a little faster than they're currently getting, I'm taking the day off, but before you go see what the other bookbloggers are up to--or better yet, maybe you could catch up on your Beatrix reading, and see why I think Wendy Shalit's a horrid critic and Mark Sarvas thinks even less of Rick Moody for lousing up a simple job like reviewing a comic book--anyway, before you click away, here's some somewhat hastily compressed (sorry) photos from last week's Story Prize party at Symphony Space (taken by Mercedes McAndrew and forwarded to me by Larry Dark):
Story Prize winner Edwige Danticat (left) poses with fellow nominees Cathy Day and Joan Silber at the afterparty.
Hard to believe that's the same guy who can do the "Fox News glaredown," but, yes, that's me with Story Prize director Larry Dark, his Business Week colleague Alethea Black, and the back of Alice Elliott Dark's head.
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