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February 01, 2005
Oh, Now Isn't This Interesting?
(Deborah Solomon, Take Notes!)
by Ron Hogan
Boris Kachka (New York) interviews monologuist Mike Albo and writing partner Virginia Heffernan, co-authors of The Underminer, a novelistic study of "the best friend who casually destroys your life."
[Albo]: The very first time we came up with the idea, I was living with Virginia, and she told me a female friend of hers had just undermined her: "She told me, 'You know, I don’t really want to be in this war between--'"
[Heffernan]: "Between you and Sofia and those guys." I didn't realize that all these forces were marshaled against me! And she was passing it off as being really careful. So I just cried myself to sleep that night.
photo: Jeremy Liebman
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