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January 04, 2005

Maybe I Should Invite Her and Mike Lupica for Coffee

by Ron Hogan

From Tuesday's Page Six:

"You'd expect a novel by a journalist to reflect current events, but a new book by The Post's Linda Stasi actually predicted one. Stasi's Murder, Ink opens with the following line: 'I didn't know the mayor had me in his sights until I found out about the sex scandal with his best buddy, the police commissioner/Homeland Security Director.' What sounds like a Bernard Kerik reference was written three years ago."

That would put it at the beginning of 2002 or, more likely, late 2001...right around the time that Regan was conferring with her author in his Battery Park City fuckpad (a former WTC cleanup crew rest station). Which could make the police commissioner/sex scandal line a savvy reference to something enterprising journos might have been hearing about from little birdies at the time... or maybe not. I'm just saying it's a possibility. Of course, the Homeland Security Director add-on is probably just coincidental (and there's no reason to doubt it was written three years ago, since the post was created in October '01), but does anybody out there happen to remember if Kerik's name was ever floated for the position back in '01, when his post-9/11 stewardship of the NYPD was still fresh in people's minds?

Oh, and the Mike Lupica reference in the headline? Here's the explanation for that. But if anybody's people want to get in touch with me about making that coffee date happen, I'm right here!

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