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September 24, 2004
Holy Blood, Holy Grail Guys Finally Catch On;
Umberto Eco Chews Fingernails Nervously
by Ron Hogan
You might have already seen this in Publishers Lunch, but apparently the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail have figured out that Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code might lean just a little too heavily on their theories about how Jesus moved to France and his descendants became royalty and there's a huge shadow organization that's existed for centures, remembering it all and keeping things ready for the restoration of the bloodline or something... Anyway, they may be contemplating a plagiarism or copyright violation lawsuit in the UK, while Lewis Perdue moves forward with a similar case here in the US.
And if I haven't made the specific suggestion before, well, I'll say it now: it'd be great if even a third of the people who bought DVC had their minds blown by Robert Anton Wilson's Masks of the Illuminati instead. Or, heck, that one might be a little too experimental; how about The Earth Will Shake?
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