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June 04, 2004
Dandelion Whine;
or, Give It Up, Turn It Loose
by Ron Hogan
Ray Bradbury hates Michael Moore for calling Fahrenheit 9/11 by that name:
"Michael Moore is a screwed a--hole, that is what I think about that case...He stole my title and changed the numbers without ever asking me for permission."
Not that he needed to, you understand, but hey, Bradbury's just getting started. He also blames Moore for the failure of the Wesley Clark campaign and huffs, "Nobody will see his movie. It is almost dead already. Never mind, nobody cares." I wasn't going to go before, because I'm a bit burned out on Moore myself--I'm all about Morgan Spurlock these days--but now I'm tempted.
(If you can read Swedish, go to the source.)
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