introducing readers to writers since 1995

April 05, 2004

"Two and Three Seal Medley," John Peck

by Ron Hogan

The river is the law

even though you are bound to your land
as the comet is wound around its orbit

And of course if you drain the marshes between mountains
and lug lead from the mines at Yen
and float it on scows to the south
the river is the law

And then, too, if your door
feathers itself in fire,
if the wing of the flame bird makrs your passage
and your wicker threshold is for burning
law is the river

Law may be the measure
for measure is the first
renewing and furthering
the heat and sweat of the job
such, surely, has been the law

and a man standing
straight and unblinking in his rank
may well be the lance shaft of the law

but even so and ever
law is the river

From Collected Shorter Poems.

Robert Archambeau reviewed this collection when it appeared in England back in 1999. A few years earlier, Brian Lennon reviewed Peck's M and Other Poems, many of which are in the Collected Shorter Poems. Peck discusses his writing in this 1993 interview. Read his poems "Medley of the Cut" and "Barn Doorway in July."

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