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March 21, 2004
Lawyers Lean on Blogger Over Gray Matter
by Ron HoganBoingBoing reports on the troubles Gavin Sheridan's having with Dr. John Gray, the Mars-Venus guy. Now, in all fairness, Sheridan did make an unqualifed allegation about Gray's character, whereas traditional journalistic institutions--like Inside Edition, have merely pointed out the dubious quality of his academic degrees and allowed readers and viewers to draw their own conclusions. I take particular glee in the good doctor's defense of Columbia Pacific University, the correspondence school that gave him his Ph.D.:
You can measure that school by the quality of the students they put out. Who are the students that CPU put out? Myself for example, who's one of the biggest selling authors in the world."
Rick Ross keeps tabs on Gray, including news of a study by Purdue commuications professor Erina MacGeorge demonstrating that men and women's communication styles don't vary all that widely after all. (I know some of you reading this are editors and agents; my advice: get a writing sample from her, and if she's got a good casual tone, sign her up.)
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