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January 29, 2004
Report from the Outer Boroughs
by Ron HoganIt looks like I've nearly got myself settled into the new apartment. This morning the delivery guys came with the giant IKEA bookcase that wouldn't have fit in my Significant Other's car when we rode out to Paramus last month, plus the writing table...so now I have something to put my laptop on besides my lap, and don't have to hunch over quite so much to blog. I spent the rest of the morning putting everything together; one of the adjustable table legs doesn't lock in place, and I suppose I could ride out to Hicksville with the receipt to get it replaced, but for now I'm just going to wedge a mini storage-unit under there to stabilize things. At least the bookcase came together with no problems, and I've gotten the rest of my books out of their boxes and out where I can see them.
Now I just have to clean up.
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